Xander has two little teeth popping out on the bottom. You can see them if he smiles on his own, but if you try to make him smile or pull his bottom lip to see, he sticks his tongue out.
It started out ok, but for the past four or five days he has a hissy all afternoon. He doesn't seem particularly inclined to chew on anything. We'd give him some Infant Tylenol, but I didn't want to run to the store for baby Oragel or teething tabs. I wasn't going to try the cold spoon pressed on the gums and I was slightly tempted to rub rum on his gums, but we don't have any. I did try a cold washcloth and that worked some of the time. Any other remedies I have missed?
At least most nights he still slept well. Ah, sweet peace.
He tried his first vegetable yesterday. The peas were ok but the consistancy threw him and he choked a little bit. And seeing a baby spitting up mushy green is kind of gross (as opposed to all of the other things about a baby that aren't gross, right?).
Right now he is jumping in his jumperoo and yelling. Until I look at him, then he grins at me. What a little punk.