Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Days

We've had an inordinate number of 2 hour delays and school cancellations this January due to snow and frigid cold weather. I honestly haven't left the house in nearly 3 days but I'll try to venture out to get the mail this afternoon.

Meanwhile, here is how we are keeping ourselves busy. Insert the photo montage music of your choice here.

Pop bead jewelry and random bead art.

Seeing just how much frost will form before the temperature returns to the positive digits.

Ice globes made with water and food coloring in balloons.

Building a fort

This is the view down the 'chimney' of the fort.

Pretend sleeping

See that sneaky smile

Practicing tantrum throwing


Cinderella and Merida need to keep in shape, too.

Keeping a journal. The fairy taped to the page is Josie, the drawing is Mom with wings.

Becoming a Pony stylist.

A bit too much time spent on electronics. Featuring a scarf and cap light.

Xander's journal featuring comics a la Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Jedi Academy.

Never ending Rainbow Looming.