Her one month appointment went well. The doctor seemed impressed with her health and there were no concerns.
Weight: 10 pounds, 5 ounces
Height 22.5 inches
Head: 14.75 inches
Xander and Josie still love Hannah, so much so that they shared their colds with her. So there were a few nights of rough sleep and holding her while she felt miserable and couldn't breath. It cleared up surprisingly quickly, actually. I'm used to colds lasting weeks with the kids. The hardest part was using saline spray in her nose and sucking out the snot. She threw some big screaming fits when I did that. I did have her sleeping in her bouncy seat at night, that seemed to help her get more sleep than in the crib.
Now that Hannah is better, she's working on growing way too fast. She is doing well at holding her head up. She has 'spaz time' when I set her down where she flails all of her limbs about. Her eye sight is getting better and she is following shapes that walk past her. And she is smiling at people a lot. I'm pretty sure it's not gas because she smiles when her eyes are open and someone is leaning over to look at her. It lights up her whole face and I can't wait to get pictures of Hannah's smiles.
And for those of you who don't live in the Midwest or Eastern US, we had quite the heat wave this past week, 80s for three days in March. I was rather frustrated because all of the 3 month girl clothes we had from Josie were summer clothes and are currently stored in the attic. Who knew we would need them? I made do with onesies on Hannah but eyeballed the attic door more than once. If Chris were around (he's currently in France) he may have had to head up there, so he lucked out.